Stylish extension to Swan Hotel restaurant


The extended Pen & Cob restaurant and new look Coach Room have been unveiled at the Bedford Swan Hotel.

The green and gold art deco style of the restaurant has been extended into the former “sun room” which ran alongside the Coach Room. There is a new entrance off The Embankment straight into the area. meaning people can access the restaurant directly, without coming in via the hotel entrances.

The Coach Room has been refurbished to create a beautiful setting for weddings and functions. The improvements included a disabled toilet in the Coach Room. The Ladies’ powder room Suite upstairs has been refurbished too.

To enable flexible usage, the extended section of the restaurant can be closed off from the main Pen & Cob and doors opened into the Coach House – allowing it to be used a separate dancing or exhibition area.

General Manager Malcolm Wyse told guests at a special event on Wednesday January 8th: “This gives us so many more opportunities to host events and activities in a flexible setting which we think is will be the pride of Bedford. We welcome everyone to come along take a look for lunch, brunch, afternoon tea or dinner.”

Bedford College delighted staff with a super deal with the Bedford Swan Hotel under which 200 Afternoon Tea packages were bought by staff. The college is just across the river from the hotel and staff were delighted to take up the offer made before Christmas.

“We were delighted with the response which means that 100s of people will be coming to see us in 2020 and, we hope, tell their friends about our new look restaurant and Coach Room.”