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Local MP ties realignment of A1 with announcement on East West Rail route


The government has announced its preferred route for East West Rail, which reopens the rail link between Oxford and Cambridge. The government has chosen Route E, the route recommended by the East West Rail Consortium, which connects Bedford Midland to Cambridge with a new station between Sandy and St Neots and another at Cambourne.

Richard Fuller, MP for North East Bedfordshire, said: “I am pleased that the government has made this announcement to progress investment in this important rail link. 

“Key decisions remain around the location of the new station between Sandy and St Neots and any implications for the existing station in Sandy and I will consult locally on this issue over the coming weeks.

“Today in the House of Commons, I pressed the Transport Minister on the implications of this announcement and to consider this new rail route in conjunction with the realignment of the A1 to allow for proper integration of road and rail to support planned sustainable housing growth.”

This ‘Central Section’ builds on the ‘Western Section’, connecting Oxford and Bicester with services through to Bedford.

Responding to Mr Fuller in the House of Commons, the Minister for East West Connectivity, George Freeman MP, gave a commitment that he would consider: “proper integration of housing, rail and the A1 junction.”

Bedford’s Mayor upbeat on prospects for the town

This confirmation is excellent news for Bedford. Increased connectivity for our town will bring more opportunities to travel for work and leisure, as well as supporting our economic growth and prosperity, attracting businesses and jobs.

Recent modelling in the Bedford Borough Council Rail Strategy showed that East West Rail is forecast to bring over £20million of additional economic activity to our Borough. This could be additional investment, businesses, and jobs.

Mayor Dave Hodgson said: “Bedford Borough Council recently launched a ‘Rail Strategy for Bedford’; setting out our vision for Bedford Borough to be a great place to live, work and visit and to create a Borough that attracts international business and highly skilled and sustainable jobs.”

See map of proposed route possibilites:
