Mark Rutherford School receives an educational grant!


Alderman Newton’s Educational Foundation Trustees invited secondary schools in Bedford Borough to bid for a sum of £500 to be used on any scheme that involves the education of young people.

Mark Rutherford School’s Rutherford Racers is a well-established volunteer led extra-curricular activity which has run for 10 years. The many aims include promotion of engineering knowledge, skills and innovation that aim to fill the skills gap for local employers. Equally important is the enhancement of individual confidence, the acquisition of vital life skills and the generation of wider social benefits gained from contributing to working in a successful team.

Acting Headteacher Kelli Foster said: “We are delighted with this award. This support will equip the Rutherford Racers with suitable protective clothing and safety attire. Enriching the learning experience for our students enables us to provide the best education for all, including learning that takes place outside of the classroom. We never forget that people are at the heart of everything we do and we thank the Trustees for their generous support.”

Rutherford Racers’ driver Sam said: “This is a big help and makes us feel proud of our new and improved equipment.”