RCNA 3rd bi-annual gathering — is coming on March 10!


Did you know that the Retired Caribbeans Nurses Association (Bedford) is holding its 3rd bi-annual Gathering at Trinity Arts & Leisure Centre, 10.30am to 3.30pm on Tuesday, March 10?

Refreshments will be supplied throughout the day. Caribbean lunch is catered for, by the inimitable Morris and included in your ticket price.

Imagine if you could spend the day with RCNA members, with Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Dr Jan Etienne, Issalina Ahmed exploring the importance of partnership, would you want to? Many will. Join us, too!

The Gathering (2020) will take place within the context of ‘Moving Forward Together. It is about Caribbean nurses and it is about you, our partners and communities. It is about forming strategic partnerships and educating ourselves. You will therefore hear about the amazing work of the RCNA (Bedford) volunteers during the last two years. You will hear ideas and proven strategies, from a wide range of speakers, that you can adopt in your life and work. You will hear music and laughter and conversation.  

And for a VERY limited time, until 24 February, you have the opportunity to reserve your seat for just £20 or at a concession for £5, with proof. While you could wait and try to get a ticket at the door, we would not advise it. You are likely to miss out. This is a great opportunity to learn while networking and having an enjoyable day.

For more information about the RCNA (Bedford)’s work or about the Gathering, contact us via Glenor Roberts, Facilitator, at rcna.bedford@gmail.com OR mb: 07532 152 528