Luton shoplifter issued with Criminal Behaviour Order


The Priority Anti-social Behaviour Team, which is a joint team between Bedfordshire Police and Luton Council, has successfully applied for a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) against a prolific offender. 

Joshua Pogson, 38, of no fixed abode, was issued with a CBO for a period of four years at Luton Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, February 19, 2020.

Pogson targeted a number of shops in the north area of Luton, in which he would go in and steal items on numerous occasions, sometimes a couple of times a day. 

Witnesses stated that when Pogson was confronted by members of the public, he would become extremely aggressive, agitated and threatened anyone who would approached him. 

The Criminal Behaviour Order prohibits him from entering a number of stores in Marsh Road, Sundon Park Road, Scott Road, Sundon Park Parade and Birdsfoot Lane. He is also not allowed to enter any licensed, retail and commercial premises with his face obscured within Luton. 

PC Paul Mahon, from the Community Policing team, said: “Pogson was a menace for the local shops and business owners. His behaviour had tremendous negative impact on the victims he targeted with his violent behaviour.”