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Campus jobs available


Thinking of a career change in these challenging times?

The Bedford College Group has nearly 1,000 full and part-time staff across a range of skills and welcomes newcomers in various roles.

These range from managers, lecturers and trainers in bricklaying, carpentry & joinery, uniformed public services, accountancy & business, motor vehicles, engineering, care & early years, to customer contact advisers and assistants.

Follow the links on bedford.ac.uk to apply for posts in Beds and at Tresham College, Northants.

The Group prides itself on recruiting teaching and lecturing staff who have up to date skills and experience in relevant industries and trades.

Training is often available to allow people to acquire teaching and training qualifications.

The Group is also a gateway to careers for people via apprenticeships and from September there are a wide range of vocational training courses for those who want to change or secure their jobs.

These courses can range from basic IT skills leading to professional qualifications via the easy to access Learning Centres, to degree-level education for those who cannot ‘go away’ to University.

Degrees at The Bedford College Group are validated by Universities but are often incur fewer associated costs, and ensure great links with employers.