Home News A message from Cllr James Jamieson, Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council

A message from Cllr James Jamieson, Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council

Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council, Cllr James Jamieson.

We’ve now completed our sixth week of lockdown. Everyone’s experience of this will be different and finding it tough in different ways. Whilst we’re all hoping for some easing of the restrictions soon, we’re unlikely to return fully to our old lifestyles for some time still. 

We should all take pride though in the falling numbers of those who losing their lives to the virus. Every sacrifice we make helps to save lives, so thank you to each and every one of you for playing your part.

The lockdown has been particularly tough for those who are vulnerable and who don’t have anyone to help them.

Today (Saturday, May 9), we delivered our 1000th emergency food parcel to such a resident.

This emergency food parcel is enough food to see someone through a few days whilst we work with the various voluntary organisations in our patch to arrange ongoing support for either weekly food shopping, collecting prescriptions or check-in chats to see how they are.

It is extremely encouraging to see such a fantastic community response across Central Bedfordshire; we have seen hundreds of people either registering their interest in volunteering or simply supporting their neighbours with telephone calls and shopping.

As well as receiving reports of vulnerable people from the public, we have proactively contacted over 8,000 vulnerable residents because they are either shielding because they have health conditions that make them clinically vulnerable to the virus or they are known to us through our social care teams.   

If you are worried about someone who is vulnerable and doesn’t have anyone to help them, let us know. You can do this online or by calling us on 0300 300 8900.