Home News Violent drunk gets 16 months prison sentence for beating his partner

Violent drunk gets 16 months prison sentence for beating his partner


A drunk who beat up his partner because she had not ordered tablets for his alcohol abuse was jailed for 16 months on Friday, June 12, 2020.

Adam Camfield, 36, punched and kicked the woman, put his hands around her throat and pulled her by the hair after telling her it was her fault he was an alcoholic.

Prosecutor Greg Unwin told Luton Crown Court that at around 6pm on August 30, last year Camfield rang the pub in Cranfield where the victim was working.

Mr Unwin said: “There were arguments about the tablet she was supposed to order from the internet for his alcohol abuse.

He called her a ‘f….. liar.” He said the woman was concerned about her children, who were at home with Camfield. She returned and found the children outside.

She went inside and asked: “What is the problem?” Camfield replied: “Lying c… I am going to kill you. It is your fault I am an alcoholic.”

Camfield hit her four or five times causing her head to bang against a wall. He also hit her to her head, back and bottom and put his hands around her throat, pressing his thumbs on her windpipe.

“She thought she was going to die and was blackening out,” said Mr Unwin.

After he dragged her by the hair to the living room, she managed to run out through the back door and get to her car.

She drove to a friend’s house and the police were called. Camfield was arrested admitted he had finished off a litre of bottle of vodka.

Camfield, previously of The Old Furlong, Cranfield, pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily.

He had previous convictions for assaulting partners. Defending, Ged Colbon asked for full credit for Camfield’s early guilty plea. He said: “He accepted it was a sustained, nasty assault.

“He was very drunk and has significant problems with alcohol abuse.” He said Camfield, a demolition worker, had a very deep-seated alcohol problem, but was taking steps to address it.

He said he conceded the relationship with the victim was over. Jailing him, Judge Rebecca Herbert said: “It was a serious repeated assault. You were seriously drunk.

“The ongoing risk you pose cannot be dealt by a community-based sentenced. In custody you wont have access to alcohol. I hope that will give you the start you need to address your problems.”

The judge made an indefinite restraining order banning him from contacting the victim.