Man who beat his grandmother with stick gets suspended sentence


A man from the Wixams who caused his grandmother a serious ear injury when he hit her with a stick was given a suspended sentence on Wenesday, June 23.

Edward Fower, 24, lost his temper with his grandparents at their home in Luton when they argued about the neighbours and his girlfriend.

Luton crown court heard he damaged a phone belonging to his grandfather and then picked up a stick which had a nail sticking out. He grabbed his grandmother and hit her with a stick that had a protruding nail.

Fower of Piper Lane, Wixhams had initially been chargeD with wounding with intent, but prosecutor Daniel Siong accepted his guilty plea to the lesser charge of wounding.

Mr Siong said the grandmother had not wanted her grandson to be prosecuted.

Defending, Minal Raj said: “The defendant accepts that in the course of prodding his grandmother with a wooden stick from a broken door it is most likely a nail from the stick caused the injury to her ear.”

In a letter sent to the judge Fower said he had acted out of character and had been suffering stress and mental health issues.

Judge Rebecca Herbert told him: “It is appalling that you find yourself her for a serious offence against your grandmother.

“You grabbed her when you lost your temper. You laid hands on her and prodded with the stick, causing an extremely serious injury to her ear.

“If it was not for fact you have not been in trouble before and that you pleaded guilty you would be going straight to custody.”

She passed a two year jail sentence suspended for 18 months. He must carry out 200 hours’ unpaid work and abide by a two month curfew between 8pm and 6am. He was also banned from going to his grandparents’ Luton home for five years.

As he left the dock Fower said: “Thank you your honour.”