Home Education Events Turvey steam fayre gets go ahead after planners’ initial objections

Turvey steam fayre gets go ahead after planners’ initial objections


The Bedfordshire Steam Fayre will be hosted at Turvey House. A recent grant of planning permission to enlarge an existing ­gateway will allow large exhibitor vehicles to access the parkland safely.

The planning application was a delicate and long process, with much consultation and support from the Bedford Borough Ward Councillor, Jim Weir. There was initial resistance from the planners.

Jim said: “As the Ward Councillor I was happy to give my time and support to assist this planning application which will enable large vehicles safe access on to the parkland.

“This is an extremely exciting and prestigious event for Turvey. We have worked to ensure that Bedford Borough planners fully understood what the application was about.

“I am just really pleased that we convinced them to change their thinking and now grant permission.

“The Grade I listed Turvey House and listed gardens will ­provide a stunning backdrop to the fayre.”

Further information on the Bedfordshire steam fayre can be found https://bseps.org.uk/rally/