Clintons is definitely open despite what the sign writers may think


If you are a night owl you may have been slightly confused on Thursday evening in Bedford town centre.

Sign writers working for DMA Properties had a slight brain fade.

DMA are marketing the former Beales department store premises on behalf of the landlords.

Wanting to get their signage up, they DMA sent their sign contractor hot foot to Bedford town centre to erect the appropriate sign.

But if you were in Silver Street on Thursday evening you may have noticed that the contractor had incorrectly put the sign over Clintons Card Shop across the street from the Beales building.

Miraculously by the time the shop workers were on there way to work on Friday morning the sign had reappeared across the street, on the correct building!

Warren Domb, of DMA said: “Obviously this was just human error on behalf of the contractors, the situation was quickly remedied before too many people noticed it.”

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