Bedford man ‘glassed’ in pub argument – attacker gets jailed


A man who used a pint glass to strike another man over the back of his head in a Bedford pub has been jailed for a year.

The attack happened last November in the George and Dragon in Bedford’s town centre at around 11pm.

Luton Crown Court was told on Friday, July 24, that the man who carried out the assault, Suneel Chand, was drunk at the time.

His actions that night have left his victim scarred for life. Chand, 25, of Beckett Court, Bedford, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm on the evening of November 16, last year.

The court heard he had been in the pub that night drinking with friends.

Oliver Kavanagh, prosecuting, said one of Chand’s group had got into a disagreement with the victim.

Chandler had intervened to try and break up the altercation but, in his drunken state, had used the pint glass to strike the man across the back of his head.

Recorder Paul Taylor, hearing the case, was told the effect of the injury on the victim had left him not wanting to go out.

The court was told it wasn’t the first time Chand had acted violently in a pub when under the influence of alcohol.

In August of 2018, he had committed an offence of battery after fighting in a pub.

His barrister John Lloyd-Richards said that since last November’s attack, Chand hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol.

He was jailed for 12 months and told he will have to serve half the term before he can be released on licence.