Targeting the duvet dwellers to get them active during the pandemic


A scheme which aimed to target 10 to 25-year-old with activities to undertake during the lock-down has been hugely successful.

Backed by the Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Kathryn Holloway, a YouTube channel called The James Campbell Collective is updated daily Monday through Friday.

Launched at the beginning of May, the channel has received over 3800 views by the end of July.

It includes videos on: Boxercise, cookery, chess, boxing, keep-fit and training sessions with Luton Town FC.

“I really wanted to do something practical to help offer something to our young people that they would want to do each week during either lockdown or the summer holidays, whichever turns out to be the longer.

“The idea was that each activity might inspire them to take up an interest after this whole emergency is over and potentially it could even put them on a path to a future career since that’s exactly what bodybuilding and fitness have done for James Campbell who is both a personal fitness instructor and a competitive body builder,” said Commissioner Holloway. 

James Campbell, who is leading the introductory sessions on a daily basis, said: “I was very excited to have started the James Campbell Collective, the reason being that we aimed to provide content and activities to young people during the pandemic.

“I was not be the only creator on the channel, there are daily videos and live streams from other individuals focusing on different activities and catering for the ages of 10-25.

“I personally posted daily workout videos showing you how to keep fit at home using things in and around your house, for example if you haven’t got weights at home, getting a bag and some books to add weight to your workout.”

Luton Town FC Community Trust’s Schools and Sports Manager, James Hatch, said: “Getting teenagers and twenty-some-things back into a routine is a big challenge for everyone so we aimed to start at the beginning of lock down and whenever restrictions begin to lift, boys and girls understand the importance of having a routine.

“Every parent knows this group of ‘duvet dwellers’ are a challenge – but football and all sports will return, schools and colleges will re-open and work will start up again and it’s important that routines begin again which is why we have devised the Get Up Get Fit Challenge.”

“James was absolutely perfect to head up this activity, he has got to where he is at just 20 through five years of intensive exercise, absolutely naturally.

“What he represents is what hard work and self-discipline can bring you and, clearly, he is a much more appropriate person to be leading other young people by example and through his professionalism than a PCC of my age!

“I’ve been delighted that there are activities to appeal to young men and women.

“What I need now is for more young people themselves and those who work with them to spread the word of what is on offer,” said PCC Holloway.  

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