Home News Harpur Centre celebrates local heroes with new installation

Harpur Centre celebrates local heroes with new installation


Following the recent reopening of the Basement Floor in The Harpur Centre, a community-focused mural celebrating Captain Sir Thomas Moore was installed to coincide with the grand opening of Energie Fitness Bedford.

In line with the grand opening of Energie Fitness Gym, the Harpur Centre team surprised visitors with a fantastic tribute to Captain Sir Thomas Moore, NHS staff and key workers to celebrate the enormous community spirit across the town during the pandemic.

The town is immensely proud of local resident and WW2 veteran, Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised over £32million in donations for NHS Charities Together.

His Grandson, Benjamin, who attends Bedford School created the ‘100 laps’ concept and ran Captain Tom’s social media pages, further heightening the meaning behind the mural for the people of Bedford and across the county.

On the day, the Energie Fitness Gym team were also giving out spot prizes and gifts for both members and non-members, a stunning balloon archway was installed and a grand ribbon-cutting took place to open the doors to eagerly anticipating visitors.

Ryan Harris, Deputy Centre Manager, commented: “We are delighted to have installed our fantastic mural to celebrate the national and local hero, Captain Sir Tom Moore, as well as all of our heroes across Bedford.

“With the launch of the mural and opening of Energie Fitness Gym, it was brilliant to see an abundance of positivity within the Centre after a few difficult months.

“We are so proud of the people of Bedford, and it is wonderful to give something back to the town in return for their understanding and support, not just through recent times, but always.”

Energie Fitness Gym, Bedford, is a top-quality gym with industry-leading equipment, classes and resources for members to use.

They offer the ultimate experience, expertise, and welcoming atmosphere to help people of all abilities to reach their goals. To register for a membership or for more information, visit: www.energiefitness.com/bedford  

It’s been a strange year for everyone to say the least, but the Harpur Centre team have been #HereForYou throughout and always will be!
We’re so proud of everyone in Bedford for how you’ve come together as a community to look after yourselves and each other and you should be proud of yourselves too!
In recent weeks, we’ve loved seeing more of you, staying safe and injecting some colour and life back into the Centre – particularly with our stunning Captain Sir Tom Moore mural, Énergie Fitness Gym Bedford opening and the installation of our wonderful Maskey vending machine!
We’re delighted to see everybody getting back into the ‘new normal’ and we’re so excited to share the new season with you. Watch this space! #OurBedford #LoveBedford