Evening of drinking lead to frenzied knife attack


A professional driver who launched a “frenzied knife attack” on his partner and her daughter was jailed for 13 and a half years on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.

Gregory Williams, 46, lost control after an evening’s drinking and repeatedly stabbed Claire Smith and her daughter Chace, now 19, at their home in Southdown Road, Harpenden.

Williams, who was of previous good character, appeared at St Albans Crown Court via a video link from Bedford jail to be sentenced for two charges of wounding with intent. He had been cleared of attempted murder but found guilty of those two charges.

The court heard that after the attack in the early hours of Sunday 8th December last year the chauffeur tried to kill himself by driving his BMW onto the M1 where he crashed it at high speed. Before he was sentenced he pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

Prosecutor Simon Wilshere said: “On the evening of December 7 – the Saturday night – Claire Smith and her youngest daughter were at home with Mr Williams, enjoying a normal Saturday evening in.

“Chace finished work at a pub and joined them in the living room.

“The evening passed unremarkably until at some point Mr Williams began to tease one of the family dogs with nuts and raisins. Tempers were frayed,” said Mr Wilshire.

Williams kicked the dog off the sofa when Chace had told him not to tease it.

Later, in the early hours of December 8, more words were exchanged and he was heard to say: “I can to do ten to fifteen years for this – who wants it first?”

Mr Wilshire said: “With a knife he launched an unprovoked and sudden knife attack on Chace, then Claire  before further attacking Chace. This was a frenzied and quick attack.

“Claire picked up a bottle of wine to hit the defendant at least four times to the head to try to stop him attacking her daughter.

“The attack was so swift and frenzied. As it was happening neither realised they were being stabbed. They thought they were being punched. They were being stabbed repeatedly.”

Both daughters dialled 999 for the police and ambulance. Gregory Williams left the scene and was found when the police responded to a report of a crash of a BMW near junction 6a on the M1.

“The officers found Mr Williams’ vehicle straddled across lanes 1 and 2 having suffered  extensive damage.

“He was arrested and was to hospital to have his injuries assessed and then to Hatfield police station.“

“When the police searched his vehicle they found two notes – one with blood on it said: ‘It’s all because of Chace I just wanted respect.’

The prosecutor said both women suffered serious defensive injuries. Chace Smith to her head, base of neck back and hand and Claire Smith to her arm, skull and hand.

In a victim personal statement Claire Smith said: “I trusted this person and never thought he would harm my children. Not an hour before we were dancing and singing.”

She said because of the injury to her hand she had been unable to continue with her job with the NHS at the Luton and Dunstable hospital. She suffered scarring to her hand, arms and chest and still suffers flashbacks and nightmares.

Chace Smith said she no longer feels safe anywhere. She suffered distress and anxiety and cannot straighten her fingers fully. She said she had been signed off from her job at the pub.

The younger sister has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.

Defending, Mark Tomassi described Williams actions as “rash, foolish and violent behaviour.”

He said he suffered a temporary but sudden loss of self control. He said he was of previous good character and had been “hard-working, honest and otherwise decent.”

Mr Tomassi said Williams had made a determined attempt to take his own life.

Jailing him, Judge Stephen Warner: “Drink had been consumed in the course of the evening. You armed yourself with a knife from the kitchen.

“You went upstairs with it and came down later. Your intention was made clear when you spoke the words ‘I will do 10 to 15 years. Who wants it first?

“You stabbed Chace repeatedly when her mother intervened she too was stabbed.”

He said the younger daughter who called the police was terrified and distressed.

The judge said the jury rejected his account that he had acted in self-defence telling him: “It was a horrific, sustained knife attack on two victims leaving them with serious injuries. You subjected them to a terrifying ordeal in their own home. The memory of that evening will remain with them for many years to come.

He also banned Williams from driving for 12 months.

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