From Saturday Bedfordshire goes into Tier Three – very high alert


The Government has announced that Bedford Borough, alongside Central Bedfordshire and Luton will be going into the Tier Three – Very High Alert Level from 00.01 on Saturday, December 19.

Within Tier Three – Very High Alert there are a number of restrictions that local businesses and the public are required to follow, including:

  • You must not meet socially indoors or in private gardens with anybody that you do not live or have a support bubble with
  • All hospitality venues must close, with the exception of takeaway, drive-through or delivery
  • Everyone who can work from home should do so
  • Gyms and sports facilities can remain open for individual exercise and exercise in single households or support bubbles, but indoor group activities and exercise classes are not permitted
  • Indoor entertainment venues must close including indoor play, cinemas and museums

Mayor Dave Hodgson said: “The rise in cases we have seen locally since the end of lockdown is deeply worrying.

“We have to be clear, we have not been pulled into Tier Three by any surrounding authorities – Bedford Borough has seen a steep rise in cases and as a community we have to get a handle on it.

“These restrictions have been put in place to bring down our local infection rate, and keep people as safe as possible in the run up to Christmas.

“So please, stay at home as much as possible, minimise the amount of people that you see, and keep following the ‘hands, space, face’ advice. We need every single person to play their part, help protect the NHS, and save lives.”

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