Young Luton thief gets lenient sentence after counsel’s plea


A young father who stole tools from a van in Tring was told by a judge on Thursday January 7, that he will be sent to prison if he keeps stealing.

Kevin Stokes, 20 from Luton, was a passenger in a Vauxhall Astra that drove into Mill View Road.

Prosecutor Gary Wilmot told St Albans Crown Court that Stokes put on heavy duty gloves, jemmied open a door on the van and stole power tools, tools and batteries, worth more than £370.

The police were called and, after a chase, the Astra was stopped and Stokes was arrested.

Stokes of Marsh Road, Luton, appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to the theft which happened on June 7 2018. He had pleaded guilty on October 28 2019.

Max Mills, defending, said Stokes had a son born in December 2019 who suffers with medical problems. He said that his birth had “jolted him into responsibility.” He asked the judge to pass a community sentence.

Judge Philip Grey agreed and passed an eight month community order with an electronically-monitored curfew for two months from 8pm to 6am. He must attend 10 rehabilitation days.

The judge told him: “I am hoping, as you grow older, and with greater responsibility in your life, you are growing up and that you realise if you keep coming back, the magistrates or a judge will lose patience and send you to prison.

“Offences of this nature cause great anger to the victims. You would be furious if it happened to you.”

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