Home News Bedford Jail for man who broke into his ex-girlfriend’s flat and attacked her

Jail for man who broke into his ex-girlfriend’s flat and attacked her


A man who broke into the Bedford flat of his ex-girlfriend late at night and attacked her, was jailed for 27 months today.

Jason Walsh broke into the flat through a kitchen window and then went to her bedroom where she was asleep.

After waking her he demanded to know where she has been that night and who with. A court heard 44 year old Walsh then began slapping her about her face and head with his open hand; he dug his fingers into her cheeks and eyes and dragged her across the room by her hair.

Walsh shoved her against a chest of drawers and then banged her head against it and punched her in the ribs.

The story was unfolded on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at Luton Crown Court when Walsh appeared for sentence via a video link from Bedford Prison where he has been held on remand since arrest for the attack in April of last year.

Walsh of De Pary’s Avenue, Bedford pleaded guilty to assaulting his ex occasioning her actual boldly harm and having a bladed article – a lock knife.

The attack had taken place in the early hours of April 15 last year. Prosecutor Isabel Delamere said the victim, in a bid to stop him attacking her, told him she needed to go to the bathroom.

He was pacing up and down the hallway outside when she managed to bolt from the room and fled from her home and into the street outside where she ran to a phone kiosk Miss Delamere said she dialled 999 and the emergency operator on the other end could hear Walsh, who had ran after her shouting: “I am going to kill you.”

The court was told Walsh then walked off down Ashburnham Road where he was arrested a short while later by police who had responded to the call. Officers found he was is possession of a lock knife.

Back at the flat it was discovered he had broken in through the kitchen window.

Judge Gary Lucie hearing the case was told the woman had suffered a black eye and swollen cheeks as well as bumps and bruises over her head and befind her ears as well marks on her neck Miss Delamere said there was a history of of violence by Walsh towards the woman stemming from his use of alcohol and his jealousy.

Emma Hodgson defending said Walsh now felt shame and remorse for what he’d done to the woman.

She said he had a history of mental illness and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

She said while on remand in Bedford APrison he had tested positive for Covid 19 and had spent 10 months in custody.

Passing sentence Judge Lucie said said he noted that Walsh had a number of previous offences for violence including an assault on another partner.

He passed a sentence of 27 months which means because of the time Walsh has spent on remand in custody – equivalent to a 20 month sentence and which will be taken into account – he can expect to be released in the next few months.

But the judge warned him he will then be on licence for 13 months and subject to recall if he commits any further offences.

The judge told Walsh “She felt as if he was using her as a lunch bag.”