Virtual Easter service from the Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire


Lord-Lieutenant brings a virtual service to the people of Bedfordshire to reflect on the Easter message of rebirth and renewal as we move forward and strive to shape a better world.

In the last 12 months, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis has been keeping in touch with the people of Bedfordshire virtually through her weekly online messages, periodic virtual services and via regular contact with voluntary organisations, businesses, and faith, health & educational establishments.

Throughout the pandemic, individuals and organisations alike have felt the full impact of the virus in a variety of ways including the loss of loved ones, the closure of businesses & schools, challenges of remote learning and the struggles to keep charities afloat.

The purpose of the messages, services and regular contact has been to boost morale, spread a message of hope and to say thank you to all those who have stood up and made life better for the less fortunate.

The theme of the Lord-Lieutenant’s forthcoming Easter Service is “You Raise Me Up” and draws on the people of Bedfordshire who have shown that the path to building a better world is for us to create the world we want to live in. 

The Service includes an address from the Bishop of Bedford, prayers read by people from the local community and interviews with local leaders who have first-hand knowledge of the positive impact that the community have made during the pandemic.

The Easter Service will be available to view on YouTube from April 1, 2021 and the link will be posted on social media and placed on the Lord-Lieutenant’s website at:

Speaking about the Easter Service, the Lord-Lieutenant, Helen Nellis said: “I look forward to joining with you this Easter through this video. Our experience of the pandemic in Bedfordshire has demonstrated that we are powerful people, able to rise to the call of need and to reach out across communities to help each other.

We have shown the impact we can make with focus, courage in our hearts, and the inspiration of a set of spiritual and human values which cries out for kindness and generosity of spirit for all”.