Home News Biggleswade ‘Outstanding’ village schools set for closure under plans before CBC

‘Outstanding’ village schools set for closure under plans before CBC


Local councilors who have been examining plans by Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) to close two village schools.

The ‘outstanding’ schools in Dunton and Wrestlingworth could be closed and pupils shunted off to a super school on the 1500 housing development to the east of Biggleswade.

CBC seems to be relying on S106 funds coming from the developers UK Regeneration to support this new school. When the plans for a new housing estate were approved in 2019, CBC were looking for £12m for the development of the super school.

The developer returned to CBC with revised plans in 2020, which showed adjustments to the road layout onto Dunton Lane. Traffic projections indicated these amendments would result in traffic chaos.

CBC has yet to formally approve the revised plans although they were seen by the planning committee last year.

Councillors are concerned that the proposals will go ahead under the guise of reorganization for a move to a two tier schooling system.

These proposals to merge the two schools in question are attracting much negative reaction from residents in Dunton and Wrestlingworth. So much so they have started an online petition to save the two schools.

You can sign the petition here:


After you sign, Change,org, the petition website, will email you to confirm your signature. It’s important you reply or your name will not count!

There as yet unconfirmed reports indicate that CBC may be preparing to launch a public consultation in June.