Home News Bedford The realisation that toddlers have spent half their lives in lockdown

The realisation that toddlers have spent half their lives in lockdown


Children at the Outstanding Ofsted Haven Nursery in Clapham Road have been getting out into the fresh air this season. 

The pre-schoolers have been practising their “movements for mindfulness” with activity leader Karen. While the baby ‘beannies’, aged one to two years have also been showing off their stretching and shape making.

Now Spring has sprung, the nursery is teaching gardening nursery skills too with “rising threes” planting garlic.

Haven founder Maria Riley said: “There is a timetable of activities for each group over the week and the theme is ‘healthy body, healthy mind, happy me’.

“Activities include; exercising, enacting stories, heuristic play, painting to music, cooking and dancing, growing and learning about feelings. 

“We have made ‘chill’ zones in each room which are covered dens with fairy lights, equipped with squeezy toys if children are feeling angry and cuddle toys if they are feeling anxious. 

“There are books for just relaxing and affirmation pictures to develop resilience. 

“A year on from March 2020 it’s a sobering thought that a two year old will have spent half their life in lockdown. 

“We are equipping children with life skills, they are learning how to just have fun together, express themselves and support to their emotional wellbeing.”
