Home News Bedford Four teenagers arrested over stabbing and drug offences

Four teenagers arrested over stabbing and drug offences


Detectives investigating the stabbing of a teenage boy have made four arrests.

Crack cocaine and cash were recovered by Bedfordshire Police’s Boson guns and gangs team following the warrant in Bedford on Thursday, June 3, 2021.

Four teenagers aged between 18 and 14 from the Bedford area were arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent, as well as possession with intent to supply Class A drugs.

This follows the stabbing of another teenager in Bedford on Monday, May 31.

Detective Chief Inspector Louisa Glynn said: “Our officers will be relentless in bringing anyone we suspect of being involved in gangs, drugs or violent activity to justice.

“My message to any young person reading this is clear: crime doesn’t pay. Being in a gang is not a glamorous life choice – if you go down this path, chances are you will end up in trouble with the police or risk being a victim of something like knife crime.

“If you are trapped in a gang or being exploited, please reach out to us or our partner agencies – there is dedicated support here in Bedfordshire to help you.

“Parents and carers also have a role to play in this. Children not even in their teens yet are getting exploited by gangs to deal drugs or store weapons.

“Please keep a watchful eye on what your children are up to, have those conversations – and please report any concerns you might have. This could make all the difference and help us keep a young person from serious harm.”

All four teenagers were released on bail, pending further enquiries.

There are some key signs to spot that a young person might be involved in drugs and county lines activity:

–              Always going missing from home or school and being found far away from where they live

–              Expensive items they can’t account for, such as clothes, trainers, money or jewellery

–              Lots of texts and phone calls on multiple mobile phones, especially cheap handsets

–              Relationships with older, controlling people

–              Suspicion of self harm, physical assault or unexplained injuries

–              Using phrases like going country, going cunch, trap house, plugging and bando

–              Lots of train tickets or receipts from buses and taxis

If you want to report any suspicious activity in your area, please report this information via 101 or through Bedfordshire.police.uk/report

All of this information is fed into police intelligence systems and helps officers build up a picture of organised crime, even if officers do not act on the information straight away.

Alternatively you can report any information anonymously via Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111 or through Crimestoppers-uk.org

For more information about all forms of exploitation linked to organised crime please visit bavex.co.uk

The Bedfordshire Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit supports people affected by gangs, knife crime and county lines. Visit bedsveru.org for more information.