Art talent nurtured by inspirational tutors at Bedford College Arts faculty


A range of former Bedford College students are proving themselves in the competitive world of art and design. The common denominator is they have been inspired and encouraged by Advanced Practitioner Jeffrey Tribe and his team who take a special pride in guiding students towards new horizons in national and international awards, as well as introducing them to great work experience opportunities. Over nearly 26 years Jeffrey has seen cohorts of students go on to great things in the world of design.

“By taking risks and stepping further into the water than we are comfortable, our students have learned that they can make things happen, like winning international competitions, gaining paid work placements, networking, earning fees and gaining credible employment. Planning a curriculum that offers these opportunities, including critiques and assessments by professionals, plus a commercial trading arm aptly titled ‘Bridge’ allows us to put ‘vocational’ at the very heart of everything we do and merge education and professional practice into one,” said Jeffrey.

Director of the Arts at The Bedford College Group Toby Clark said: Jeffrey’s Higher National Graphic Design course is the epitome of industry-focused Higher technical Education. By working on live briefs throughout the programme, students are well prepared for professional success having pitched to some of the leading professionals in the industry and worked on high-value commercial projects.

“For over a decade, his students have regularly out-performed students from prestigious Higher Education establishments in industry-led competitions. This high standard was recognised by the industry at the last public D&AD exhibition where a disproportionate number of Jeffrey’s students were singled out as ‘ones to watch’ – a coveted acknowledgement afforded to only a small number of the 1,000s of graduates that take part in the exhibition.   

“Jeffrey’s teaching not only prepares students for excellent employment opportunities but nurtures social awareness. Students have regularly developed and tested their communication skills by tackling big societal issues such as hunger in schools and homelessness.”

Those that teach, DO

Jeffrey was recently commissioned by Cllr Caroline Maudlin to design the map for a mosaic trail highlighting tourism areas of interest in Central Beds Council area, funded by three town councils.