Route to engineering careers

Ayesha Course Manager in Engineering at Bedford College.

In the current climate, STEM (science technology engineering and maths) skills are in huge demand.

The best career paths are opening up now and the first steps are to sign up The Bedford College Group where T-Levels, apprenticeships, full and part-time courses await leading up to a full BSc in Engineering.

Women in Engineering Day is June 23rd when the spotlight is put on encouraging females to follow the STEM path.

Inspirational staff at the Group include:

Helen Dows who lectures in BTEC Engineering Level 3 and HNC/D Engineering preparing young people for careers in the Corby area which gain like Weetabix, RS and Tata.
Helen was something of an early pioneer of women in engineering having started work in 1986 at what was then called Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering. 

“I wanted to join the Royal Navy but women weren’t allowed on board in those days, luckily things have moved on in so many ways,” said Helen who also worked for Copes-Vulcan Ltd on giant steam valves for power stations.

Now she is encouraging young women of the 2020s to consider well-paid and worthwhile careers in engineering. One of her former students has just joined in the MOD to pursue her dream of life in the military now women are welcome.

Course Manager in Engineering at the Advanced Engineering Centre in Bedford, Ayesha Iqbal, aged 33,  arrived in the UK from Pakistan in 2020 expecting to find her classroom at least a third full of females. Sadly she has been surprised, given the equality of opportunities, that not more young women are leaving school to be engineers.

“When I was lecturing in university in Pakistan many more of my students were young women who saw engineering as valuable career. I hope to motivate more here in this region of the UK to sign up for this important and valuable sector.

“The female students I taught in Pakistan are also teaching now as and are working for different companies in different  industries. I want to encourage females to become engineers and work in research and teaching.”

Director of Engineering Frank Dzokoto said: “The Bedford College Group offers T-Levels, apprenticeships, full and part-time courses in the fields of Motor Vehicle, Motorsports, Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering and General Engineering leading up to a full BSc in Engineering.

“We have industry-standard equipment and highly specialist staff who have both industrial and academic capabilities to support your journey to becoming an engineering.

“The benefits of studying engineering at The Bedford College Group is the recognition you get as a student, one-to-one support, dedicated and inspirational staff, and the practical hands-on experience in the workshop and laboratory environment, whilst taking theoretical studies to develop your skills.  

We offer flexible assessment to suit your individual needs and to personalise your learning.”Want to sign up for a career in engineering?

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