Celebrating University offers at Bedford School


Very many congratulations to Upper Sixth Form boys at Bedford School whose departure for a wonderful set of destinations has been confirmed today.

The school is particularly proud in this pandemic year that no fewer than 11 boys have secured places to read medicine.   

A further four leave for Oxford and Cambridge; and the most popular destinations were Durham University (11), UCL (7), Bath (7) and Exeter (7). As ever, there was no stereotype this year with a wide variety of interest and choice.

Boys will study degrees as far ranging as Computer Science, Theology, Architecture, Agri-business Management, Engineering, Linguistics, Law, Natural Sciences, International Relations, History of Art, Cancer Biology and Immunology, and Economics and Management in universities across the UK, Germany and the USA.  

This includes boys who sat the International Baccalaureate, with particular mention to high achievers Michael Lee who will take up his offer to read economics and management at New College, University of Oxford, and Ciaran Zanna who topped the IB this year and will read History at University of St Andrews.

Stephen Simmons.

School leaver Stephen Simmons was relieved but delighted to learn that his three A* secured him a place at Kent and Medway Medical School where he will start a five-year medicine course this autumn.

Stephen, who was also the National Schools Octathlon Champion and an international medallist for England Schools just before the pandemic, said: “I wanted to do a degree that challenged me. I have always enjoyed the sciences and the personal aspect of medicine was what appealed to me most.”

Max Sogan, who gained four A* and 100% in his Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) has been accepted to read Physics at St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, which he hopes will help him fulfil his dream of becoming an engineer.

Max Sogan.

Max explained: “I have always had a desire to build things. The satisfaction of seeing the tangible result of something I have actually built is my main motivation.”

Max went on to say: “The last 18 months or so have been a challenge with all the COVID related uncertainty, but it has been my good friends here at school that have kept me going. Making the time to keep in regular contact with them have been so important for all our mental health.”

Max has always been interested in challenging himself – even when he was in the Prep School, he rowed 72 miles from Bedford to the sea with his brother, father and an Old Bedfordian to raise money for the Bedford Daycare Hospice.

Yaamin Mohamed.

Yaamin Mohamed was “ecstatic” to learn that his first choice offer to read medicine at Queen Mary University of London was accepted after gaining three A* and an A.

Hugh Halsey far exceeded his own expectations with four A* in maths, biology, chemistry, and geography. He will now take a gap year in Canada, where he has a placement working for conservation charity A Rocha.

A fine all-round musician (he was a member of Chapel Choir, the Brass Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra all the way through the school), Hugh should have some interesting choices ahead of him.

Hugh Halsey.

Golf scholar Finlay Cummings secured his scholarship offer at Harding University, Arkansas, USA where he will receive collegiate golf coaching to take his golf to a professional level while also studying for a degree in Business. 

Finlay said: “It was such a relief to see my results and know that my scholarship was secure. My thoughts then turned to my friends, and I immediately wondered whether they had got their first choice of university, which I now know they have and so everyone here is very happy and excited.”

Finlay Cummings.

Three boys have been accepted onto their chosen Art Foundation courses, the prerequisite pathway course which will allow them time to mature as artists before choosing which art degree to specialise in.

Simeon Gay is one of these boys and said: “I am so pleased with my A* in art. I will now start my foundation course at UAL to help me understand the field of art before deciding on which degree to focus.”

Simeon Gay,

Jonathon Coughlin is over the moon with his results, which have taken him one step closer to his dream of working in the music industry with an offer at University of Surrey on the ‘Tonmeister’ course to study music and sound recording. Jonathon explained: “It’s exciting, but it’s been a hard year to stay focused, but I’m glad I got through it.”

Jonathon Coughlin.

Kelan Riddell was offered a place at University of Liverpool to study Geography, an offer which he has accepted, although with an application still in the pipeline for Trinity College, Dublin, he still has a wait before knowing which offer to take.

Kelan Riddell.

Kelan told us: “I found it hard when we were doing online learning but managed to get through it. I’m very happy and excited with the result.”

Head Master, James Hodgson, said: “We are hugely proud of this year group. They have worked extremely hard in what has been another turbulent year of schooling through the pandemic.

Their resilience has shown no bounds and they deserve every bit of their academic success.

“An exciting future lies ahead for these boys; they are good men who leave with many varied interests away from the classroom and a strong set of values for life. I wish them every success.”