Home News Bedfordshire Beds PCC funds additional Speed Watch Devices in Bedfordshire

Beds PCC funds additional Speed Watch Devices in Bedfordshire


The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner recently spent time with members of the Speed Watch team at Bedfordshire Police Headquarters.

The Speed Watch team were able to showcase the new Speed Indication Devices (SIDS) that the PCC provided funds for. 

Juliet Wright, Watch Scheme Coordinator from Bedfordshire Police said “The PCC has provided funds to purchase some new Speed Indication Devices meaning we have been able to purchase four more devices”. 

“The devices provide an instant visible notification of the speed the motorist is travelling at.  Those captured speeding receive a warning letter from Bedfordshire Police and persistent offenders’ details are passed to the local policing team for further action.  We are very thankful for this funding from the Commissioner for extra devices. This will really help us to target even more areas of Bedfordshire”.

Commenting on the new devices the Commissioner said: “I recently saw Speed Watch volunteers monitoring speeding in Bedfordshire and I stopped to thank them for their help in keeping our roads safer. 

“Speed Watch is an educational scheme aimed at raising awareness of speed restrictions and encouraging drivers to reduce their speed to the legal speed limit.”

“Our Speed Watch volunteers generously donate their time helping to make their communities a safer place.  I cannot thank them enough for this.”

If you are interested in becoming involved in Speed Watch please email WatchSchemes@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk for more information.

Volunteers are provided with equipment and training at no cost.