Home News Crime Luton drug dealer running a small time operation is put on probabation

Luton drug dealer running a small time operation is put on probabation


Luton Crown Court heard how a young man from Luton was running a small drug dealing operation supplying a small group of people with cannabis.

Thomas Currant’s activities were uncovered when police armed with a search warrant went to his home in Tinsley Close in Luton on June 9, 2020 and found bags of cannabis and a quantity of white powder which turned out to be cocaine.

Cash was also seized and prosecutor Donal Lawler said Currant had been dealing in cocaine and cannabis to a “discreet group of people.”

At Luton Crown Court on Friday, October 29, Currant, 20, appeared for sentence having been convicted at Luton Magistrates Court of possessing cannabis with intent to supply, being concerned in the supply of cannabis and possessions a class A drug.

The court was told he was a user himself and would buy in bulk and then deal to friends Alex Owen defending said: “It was a releatively unsophisticated operation.”

Passing sentence Recorder Carole Goodwin QC said Currant had been dealing “at a low level” to a “very discreet group of people.”

He was given an 18 month community order along with 30 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days.

She told him she expected him to co operate with probation staff in the months ahead.