Home News Bedford Christmas chaos on the cards as roadworks continue to clog up Bedford’s...

Christmas chaos on the cards as roadworks continue to clog up Bedford’s Northern Gateway


There is new gridlock in Bedford caused by the ongoing roadworks in the Clapham Road Sainsbury’s area.  

Bedford Borough Council’s roadworks have reduced the road to a single lane in each direction which is causing chaos not only at peak times.

With Christmas coming up Conservative councillors are calling for Bedford Borough Council to re-think the plans so that residents are able to get into Bedford for work, travel and shopping.

Conservative Deputy Group Leader Councillor Roger Rigby said: “Again, the Council are not keeping to their own timetable for these roadworks so the queues and chaos will continue until almost Christmas.

“We are seriously concerned the roadworks will blight Bedford Town Centre’s Christmas. The Borough Council is making a serious mistake continuing with them in the run up to Christmas.

“Our businesses in the town centre need all the support they can get, they are struggling to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and the national drop off in town centre retailing.

“The Mayor needs to exercise his authority now and get Bedford’s traffic moving and save the town’s Christmas.”