Home News Bedford Act of kindness led to Luton man having his money being stolen

Act of kindness led to Luton man having his money being stolen


A mean burglar who stole three times from a friend to feed his drug habit was jailed for two years on Tuesday, December 7, 2021.

Mark Buckland, 52, met the victim, who lives in supported accommodation, in Luton town centre.

Luton Crown Court heard they met regularly and on August 29, 2021, Buckland offered to cook him dinner for a pound.

He saw the victim kept his money in a cupboard and stole £100.

A week later, on September 4, he climbed in through a window while the man was asleep on the sofa and helped himself to another £100 and an identity cards.

Three days later at half past six he took £120 while the man was in the communal garden.

Buckland had been seen by others at the address when the money was taken.

He was also wearing a “Buddy tag” that allowed the police to track his movements.

The victim said in a statement that he now feels he can’t trust people.

Buckland of Kings Place, Kings Street, Luton appeared for sentence having admitted theft and two burglaries.

He had 33 convictions for 108 offences. Defending, David Wolchover said: “He does feel a real sense of shame. He has had a drug dependency problem.”

He said he had been making progress on his drug use, but had relapsed. Jailing him, Judge Lynn Tayton QC said: “These were mean offences against your victim who was targeted because of his vulnerability. It has had a devastating effect on him.”
