Aldi gets the go-ahead for new store on Ampthill Road, Flitwick


Plans for a discount supermarket in Flitwick have been approved for a second time, after the original permission was quashed by the High Court.

Aldi UK obtained planning approval in July 2020 for the new store it intends to build on land at 101 Field, Ampthill Road.

But a legal challenge from retail rival Tesco plc scuppered the initial attempt to open the premises, as it sought a judicial review of the decision taken by Central Bedfordshire Council’s development management committee.

The company was concerned the council failed to take into account fully its comments and observations in the decision-making process.

To avoid store wars in the High Court, CBC and Aldi agreed to concede the case because of the judge’s comments and the potential for considerable costs to be awarded against the local authority.

Green Belt land

A resubmitted application was made for a supermarket, with access and parking, on the one-and-a-half acre site in the south Bedfordshire Green Belt.

The building has 1,892sqm of retail floorspace and is 6.2m high, according to senior planning officer Annabel Robinson.

Cllr Neil Bunyan.

Conservative Flitwick councillor Neil Bunyan said he was speaking on behalf of his fellow ward councillors, explaining: “I’ve lived in the town for 35 years. I can’t recall any occasions when this land was used for crops or animal grazing.

“It’s always been fenced off and I can’t recall it being used as a local amenity.

“There are some potential down sides, such as access to the site from the busy Ampthill Road and the possible clogging up of the 101 roundabout. But at the times the junction is busy isn’t when people go shopping.”

Conservative Ampthill councillor Paul Duckett said in a statement:  “The development promises to bring diversity of retail choice to the area.

“It would be a definite advantage to residents of Ampthill and its surrounds.”

Flitwick town councillor James Gleave told the committee the plans would provide extra jobs in one of the most deprived areas of Central Bedfordshire.

Section 106

He called for more Section 106 developer contributions for bus stop improvements, saying “£20,000 won’t get you far. It’s one of the busiest bus routes.”

Planning officers argued £20,000 would cover the measures required as part of the project.

Agent Alastair Close described the new Aldi as providing “much needed choice to residents of Flitwick and Ampthill” with the investment “delivering many benefits to the area”.

More than 2,000 residents wrote to the company supporting its application on this site. No other locations proved suitable locally, he explained.

“It will create 50 jobs with 20 full-time equivalents and no zero hours contracts.”

Independent Toddington councillor Mary Walsh said: “I’m conflicted with this. I know there’s a need locally. There’s an employment site which could have been used. It doesn’t cut the mustard.”

Independent Linslade councillor Victoria Harvey warned of the risk of “the neighbouring towns merging into one another” if the Green Belt was ignored and planning permission granted.

But Conservative Ampthill Councillor Mike Blair replied: “It wouldn’t cause residents to believe the two towns are becoming one.”

Independent Houghton Conquest and Haynes councillor Rebecca Hares was concerned about highways issues, but accepted the scheme would “provide employment for people without the ability to drive to work elsewhere”.

Both Flitwick Town Council and Ampthill Town Council supported the project.

Councillors approved the proposals, with nine votes in favour and four abstentions, subject to referral to the Secretary of State for levelling up, housing and communities as the site is within the Green Belt.