Home News Crime Two years jail for violent thug who beat his girlfriend black and...

Two years jail for violent thug who beat his girlfriend black and blue


A violent boyfriend who subjected his girlfriend to regular assaults was jailed for two years on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

Luton Crown Court was told Sean Fullbrook, 25, had beaten the young woman ‘black and blue’ at their home in Bedford.

He had hit her over the head with a plant pot on one occasion and then attacked her with a vodka bottle. In another incident he had struck her so hard, her eye immediately swelled up and she couldn’t see out of it.

Fullbrook, who the court was told was serving a 12 month prison service imposed at Luton Magistrate’s Court last month for a string of public order offences, pleaded guilty to two offences of assaulting the victim occasioning her actual bodily harm.

Prosecutor Charles Digby told how in January 2021 Fullbrook and the young woman had formed a relation and at first they were happy as he showered presents on her. But it soon became apparent to her that he was a heavy drinker who would become violent when intoxicated.

As things between them deteriorated, Fullbrook would put his hands around her throat and strangle her whenever she complained.

The court was told the first assault charge involving thr plant pot and the vodka bottle covered a period between February 21 and February 28 last year.

Mr Digby said the victim said that afterwards she looked like ‘The Elephant Man’.

Judge Lynn Tayton QC hearing the case then heard the second charge of assault covered a period between May 1 last year and July 30.

Fullbrook had punched the victim in the eye so hard she couldn’t see out of it as it swelled.

Even months afterwards she found her vision out of the eye would occasionally cloud over. The prosecutor said the victim had eventually ended the relationship, but as a result of his treatment of her she found she had lost her ‘bubbly’ personality and was anxious and on edge the whole time.

The court was told although they are no longer together the woman has forgiven Fullbrook and understands how he has had difficulties in his own life.

Richard Hutchings defending said Fullbfook, who had a string of previous convictions, should be given credit for his guilty pleas which had spared the victim from having to give evidence. Passing sentence Judge Tayton jailed Fullbrook for a total of two years.

She said: “I take the view both assaults were unpleasant,” adding that they were aggravated by the fact he had been under the influence of alcohol at the time. “I take the view they are serious offences which attract consecutive sentences.”

She jailed him for 12 months on each charge, but ordered they should run consecutively making a total of two years.

Fullbrook was told he would have to serve half the sentence behind bars before he is released on licence.

The judge also made a restraining order which forbids him from contacting his ex.

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