Community links via arts at Bedford’s Italian Festival this July


Personal Achievement Tutor in Art & Design Carmela Martiello is encouraging students from The Bedford College Group to get involved in a wide range of events in the town.

She is leading on the Italian Festival on Sunday, July 3, which when held prior to lockdowns was a hugely successful event attracting 1,000s.

Bedford has a large population of people of Italian heritage and celebrating that culture is part of the idea of the festival.

Carmela is asking students to create artwork to sell at the festival and will be waving The Bedford College Group banner at the event.

Carmela and Bedford College Governor Sharon De Leonardis are leading figures in SpectaculARTs, an organisation devoted to supporting understanding of diversity in Bedford.

Events under that banner include:

July 3rd Italian Festival

August 6th Jamaican Independence Day

August 7th African Festival

August 28th Asian Festival

Details from info@spectaculARTs or FB SpectaculARTs

Previously South Banks Arts Centre hosted a SpectaculARTs event for Black History Month

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