Breaches of planning regulations lead to fines


Owners of land in Haynes who failed to comply with an enforcement notice following the erection of a large building and creation of new access on their land without the necessary planning permission have been fined over £5,000.

The case was heard at Luton Magistrates Court on Friday, July 8, 2022, with the two individuals (Mr and Mrs Kane) both entering a guilty plea.

They were each fined £2,123 and were ordered to pay costs of £1,131.66 (split two ways) and a victim surcharge each of £190, making the total cost of the offence £5,757.66.

This offence will also go on their criminal records.

Following a visit from the Central Bedfordshire Council’s Planning Enforcement Officer, after being alerted to the issue, it was also confirmed the landowners had put up new fencing and gates and a new concrete hardstanding had been laid.

All works carried out require planning permission. We received a planning application in November 2020; however, it was subsequently withdrawn.

In August 2021, we served Mr and Mrs Kane with an enforcement notice requiring them to demolish the building, remove the hardstanding, fences and access and restore the land to its former condition.

Mr and Mrs Kane did not comply with these requirements, so they prosecuted by Central Bedfordshire Council.

Beds Bulletin – County edition

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