Kempston Colts’ tournament – Sunday September 5

The annual Kempston Rovers Colts tournament is nearly upon us, taking place on Sunday, September 5.
Teams from around the south east will be heading to Kempston’s Hillgrounds, ranging from U7 up to U16 as teams look to prepare for their respective seasons starting the week after.
The youth committee volunteers will start in the early hours by setting up the goals, preparing parking, as well as getting the food and drink ready for the hundreds of visitors on the day.
Kempston Rovers Colts are proud to host this tournament and celebrate all the benefits that football brings to the Kempston community.
Player progression within the youth teams up to senior teams is a pathway that all parts of the club strives to deliver, with a number of players from Colts having gone on to play for the senior teams.
We urge all residents to be mindful of parking on the day, travelling teams as well as all Colts teams have been urged not to park on Hillgrounds Road or in other local streets, but this is something we cannot promise. Morning matches start at 9am and afternoon at 1:00pm, so prior to these times are expected to be particularly busy.
The club is looking for sponsors to feature in the programme. This will be mandatory for all cars to purchase one and with over 1000 programmes being printed, this is a great way to advertise your business. To find out more information as well as other potential sponsorship opportunities, please email
We hope Kempston residents will be able to help us celebrate the local football on offer and support the young Walnuts!