Burglar entered elderly lady’s home saying she needed a toilet


A burglar claimed she was pregnant and needed to use the toilet to force her way into a 94-year-old Bedford woman’s home.

The victim, who still suffers flashbacks, thought Adetayo George was a friend of her daughter when she called at her home in Ormesby Way, Queens Park.

Prosecutor Ali Dewji told Luton Crown Court on Friday, September 23, 2022: “Ms George said: ‘I am pregnant. I need to use your toilet.’

“She was told to get out, but pushed past her and went to the bathroom.”

The elderly woman waited outside the bathroom and then followed 38-year-old George as she rummaged through a cupboard and a set of drawers in her bedroom.

She again told George to get out and when she had gone realised her handbag was missing along with a watch, a mobile phone, a purse containing £30 and a bank card.

About 18 minutes later, at 2pm on Friday, December 10, 2021, George tried to use the bank card at the Queens Park Supermarket on Honey Hill Road.

She was not successful. Three other attempts to use the Nat West card also failed, said the prosecutor.

In a victim personal statement, the elderly woman said she feared for her safety now, is terrified to leave her home, suffers flashbacks, and panics when she sees people walking past her home.

George, of Ford End Road, Bedford, appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to burglary and four charges of fraud. She had received a hospital order in 2018 for three offences of burglary and theft.

In a basis of plea, George said she did not push past the elderly woman.

Judge Michael Simon adjourned sentence on George, who is being held in a psychiatric unit, for two psychiatrists to give evidence saying: “My duty to the public and the victim as well as the interest of justice is that there is a fully rounded picture.”

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