Home News Bedfordshire HM Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets ready for service

HM Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets ready for service

Left to Right: Police Cadet Ella Lawrence, Fire Cadet Lee Clarke, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Susan Lousada, Leading Cadet Orry Pestell, Cadet Sergeant Lily Miller and Cadet Warrant Officer Tegan Dodimead. Photography: SI Florence Cordell, Beds & Herts Army Cadet Force.

HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Susan Lousada recently appointed her cadets for 2022/2023 at a ceremony held at The Army Reserve Centre in Bedford, by kind permission of Colonel Ray Wilkinson QVRM TD VR DL.

Dignitaries present at the ceremony included the High Sheriff of Bedfordshire Lady Clifford, Chairman of Central Bedfordshire Council Cllr Gordon Perham, Chief Fire Officer Andrew Hopkinson, A/Superintendent Rachael Glendenning, Chief Executive of the East Anglia Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association Colonel Ray Wilkinson QVRM TD VR DL and the President of St John’s Ambulance Anthony Duggan OBE.

They were joined at the ceremony by the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Chris Sharwood-Smith MBE, representatives from the various cadet and Youth organisations, military personnel, Deputy Lieutenants and cadets’ family members.

SI Declan Rouse and HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Susan Lousada.

The role of Lord-Lieutenant’s cadets is to support the Lord-Lieutenant in carrying out their duties, typically attending large civic services, Remembrance Parades and occasionally supporting on Royal Visits.

The cadets’ selection takes into account their outstanding contribution to their cadet community, and they are seen as ambassadors for their organisations.

The Lord-Lieutenant’s cadets are the finest of the many talented young people in the cadet forces within Bedfordshire. They are excellent leaders and a credit to their organisations and to the county.

This year’s cadets are Leading Cadet Orry Pestell (Bedfordshire Sea Cadets), Cadet Sergeant Lily Miller (Beds & Herts Army Cadet Force), Cadet Warrant Officer Tegan Dodimead (Beds & Cambs Air Training Corps), Police Cadet Ella Lawrence (Bedfordshire Police Cadets) and Fire Cadet Lee Clarke (Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service).

At the same ceremony, the Lord-Lieutenant presented a Letter of Commendation from the Society of the Protection of Life from Fire to SI Declan Rouse from 4 Coy, Beds & Herts Army Cadet Force.

Speaking after the commissioning the Lord-Lieutenant said: “I was very honoured to appoint five Lord-Lieutenant Cadets and I am looking forward to working with these inspirational young people during the year ahead.

“I was also so pleased to present SI Rouse with his Letter of Commendation. His selfless act of bravery and decisive action ensured the safety of others and, for that, I sincerely congratulate him.”

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