Home News Bedfordshire Member of Gina Miller’s party to stand against Nadine Dorris

Member of Gina Miller’s party to stand against Nadine Dorris


A new political party is targeting the Mid Bedfordshire seat of Nadine Dorries at the next General Election.

Charity and pension plan trustee Alan Victor has been selected as a candidate by the True and Fair Party.

Campaigner and businesswoman Gina Miller formed the party at Westminster in January.

She defeated the government twice for unlawful attempts over its authority to implement Brexit without approval from Parliament.

Mr Victor is calling for local development to meet community needs, not just overspill housing for London. The 63-year-old is a retired car company executive.

He decided to enter politics “because he was fed up with the current state of UK politics and mainstream political parties hijacking our democracy, promising the world and failing to deliver”.

As a trustee of a local charity, “he sees that nurturing the youth of Mid Bedfordshire in children’s centres, nurseries and community hubs is so important to the future well-being of the constituency and must be properly funded”.

He believes decisions are “made in a political bubble and sold to the public as ‘what the people want’ to convince us to accept half-baked empty promises which don’t help in our daily lives”.

Mr Victor feels “True and Fair’s core principles of cleaning up politics, modernising democracy and fighting corruption are a long overdue necessity to get the right thinking and culture into Westminster, and to enforce honesty and integrity in our elected representatives”.

Ms Miller created the party “to highlight and campaign against political corruption”, according to a statement coinciding with the announcement of nine candidates to contest the General Election.

The party will have up to 30 candidates in England and Wales, with a further ten to 20 due to be announced early next year.

Ms Miller vows the candidate launch is “just the start of our mission to clean up Britain’s dirty politics.”

The party commissioned research showing that £5.6bn could be raised by closing tax loopholes and expanding the remit of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), said the statement. “That would be enough to pay the salaries of more than 170,000 new nurses, for example.

“Under the proposals, HMRC would be given greater resources to run more investigations into bigger firms, which raises £69 in extra tax revenue for every £1 invested. Such investment would have helped prevent the £1.1bn of Covid-19 small business loans identified as fraud.”

Ms Miller said: “Alan Victor is clear the discipline, accountability and transparency essential in business is either absent or inconsistently applied in the way we govern our country, resulting in poor policy and undeliverable promises.

“The only way forward is to give voters the opportunity to elect representatives to champion the changes necessary to ensure politicians really act in the interests of their constituents.”

Ms Miller is targeting the Epsom and Ewell constituency in Surrey held by former Conservative government minister Chris Grayling.

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