Home News Bedford Borough Bedford Borough Council awards over £30,000 in Rural Grants

Bedford Borough Council awards over £30,000 in Rural Grants


Bedford Borough Council has announced plans to provide over £30,000 to rural communities in Harrold, Odell and Renhold through their Rural Grants scheme.

The scheme enables rural organisations and Parish Councils to apply for capital funding to help them deliver projects that are of benefit to residents in their areas.

The largest grant, of £25,000, is being awarded to All Saint’s Church in Renhold. It will help with the cost of replacing the church’s floor, which is currently uneven and hazardous, making the premises more accessible for people with mobility issues.

The congregation and wider Renhold community use the church to attend services as well as holding local events and activities.



A further grant of £3,085.42 is being awarded to Odell Parish Council, which will go towards diverting two existing public footpaths. The footpaths currently run diagonally across fields that can be difficult and dangerous to navigate in the autumn and winter months. The funding will be used to move the public footpaths to the perimeter of the field, creating a safer and more pleasant route for those who use it.

A final grant of £3,000 is being awarded to Harrold Parish Council, who plan to repair the lych gate at St. Peter’s Church on Church Walk. The funding will help to restore the gate, which is currently rotting, before it becomes a safety concern. Repairing the gate will also help to contribute towards the regeneration of the picturesque village of Harrold.

Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford Borough, said: “The Rural Grants scheme empowers communities to take action and make changes that are meaningful and valuable to them.

“If you think your rural community could benefit from a grant, be sure to make an application to the fund.”

You can find out more and submit an application to the Rural Grant scheme by visiting www.bedford.gov.uk/RuralGrants.


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