Bedford Borough Council publishes Budget Consultation


Bedford Borough Council is asking for your views on its Budget for 2023/24.

The Council has a strong track record of financial management and provides numerous different services to our 185,300 residents: from waste and recycling collection, street cleaning and homelessness services, to business support, social care and community safety.

However, as in recent years, we know we will have to make some difficult decisions during the setting of the 2023-24 budget to ensure resources continue to be prioritised and money is directed to where it is needed most.

The council faces significant financial pressures across the medium term, largely due to inflation pushing up the cost of delivering services, but also due to increasing demand for services and reduced funding in real terms from central government.

To manage these pressures, the Council will be continuing the approach within its Transformation Programme; making use of new technology and improving how they operate; and procuring goods and services more efficiently

This Budget also outlines areas of longer-term ‘capital’ spending investing in the future for the Borough

This includes:

* New schools and classrooms to meet the needs of a growing population.

* Investment in maintaining and improving our roads and pavements, including resurfacing of the Paula Radcliffe Way (A6)

* Improvements to our buildings to make them more energy efficient and tackle climate change.

* Purchasing council owned housing to provide emergency accommodation for the homeless that will save money on leasing accommodation.

* A new Railway Station serving Wixams

* Investing in pedestrian and cycling improvements, Midland Road, St Paul’s Square and Greyfriars junction as part of the Town Deal.

* Completion of Riverside enhancements opening up the Great Ouse urban area for all.

Cllr Michael Headley, Portfolio Holder for Finance said, “Every year we work hard to proactively ensure we use the money and resources available to provide the high-quality services our residents and businesses need.

“We understand that everyone in Bedford Borough is currently dealing with a very concerning rise in the cost of living.  The council is continuing to support residents through these difficult times, including help with meal costs during holidays times for families eligible for income related free school meals.  There is support with energy efficiency measures and extra support from the CAB for those facing escalating financial problems.

But the deep-felt impacts of rising inflation, following so swiftly off the back of the pandemic impact, is also presenting Bedford Borough Council with significant financial challenges.  It remains a challenging time as we continue to face uncertain financial pressures.

“We have also identified several priority areas for investment that includes addressing climate change, improving our local environment, and continuing to reinvigorate our town centre following the impact of the pandemic restrictions.

“We want to hear from you- what do you think about how we are developing the way we work, and our plans for investment into the future?”

The findings from our consultation will be given to the Mayor and  councillors as part of the evidence they will use to help them come to a decision about the budget proposals.

You can find out more and have your say at

You can respond via that website, or by emailing or by writing to Consulting Bedford, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42 9AP. Hard copies are available in libraries and on request.

Comments should be received by 6 January 2022 and may be published.

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