Eddies’ ‘Let Katie Come’ petition is close to 2000 signatures


A campaign has been launched by a Drag Queen to overturn the ban on Katie Hopkins performing at Bedford’s Corn Exchange.

The controversial far-right political commentator was due to bring her ‘Live Laugh Love’ show to the town next year.

But she was cancelled after a petition signed by 50 people was sent to Bedford Borough Council.

Katie Hopkins.nearly

Now a ‘Let Katie Come’ counter-petition has been organised by Drag Queen Eddie Adams and has nearly 2000 signatures.

Eddie, 33, who has brain cancer, says the council has no right to stop free speech and has over-stepped the mark by acting as a censor.

He said: “Katie Hopkins has not broken any laws and cancelling her does not sit well with me.

“The Mayor is a Liberal and I thought they believed in free speech. I don’t agree with everything she says, but I would not want to stop her speaking. I would feel the same if Anjem Choudhry (the militant Islamic preacher) was cancelled.

“This is over-reach by the council.”

His counter petition reads: Bedford Borough Council in coordination with the Corn Exchange must immediately uncancel Katie Hopkins on her tour around the U.K. If Bedford truly prides itself as being a multicultural community it will only prove it by allowing all aspects of our rich culture to be both seen and heard and leave it up to the community to reach their own conclusions. No council should have to right to curtail the free speech of any single person based on a difference of opinion or internet petitions.

“I will not allow this kind of inane, pointless, censorship to go unchallenged here in my hometown and I would hope that others can see the potential danger in allowing this to continue uninterrupted.”

“Having been an avid proponent for free speech for many years I found the decision making process the council took in order to cancel Katies event deeply troubling.”

He went on: “The petition to let Katie come has now reached over 1,600 signatures and I’m pleased to know it’s not just me who feels this over reach by Bedford Borough Council and namely Mayor Dave Hodgson is a profound step in the wrong direction.”

Katie Hopkins is backing the campaign on her Instagram account.

When Katie Hopkins was cancelled Bedford Council said: “We are proud to have a diverse community in Bedford Borough and want to support people to help one another to thrive.

“We do not feel the show in question supports this objective.

“As a result, we have made the decision to cancel the event at Bedford Corn Exchange.”

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