Creating opportunities for adults with additional needs


Local multi academy trust BILTT has been able to offer training and employment opportunities within their Facilities Team to a young man with additional needs.

Former Ivel Valley community special school pupil James, 28 had not been in employment since leaving school but is now training in an Assistant Site Agent role.

Working closely with Site Manager Paul Rowley James reported that he was “nervous at first but, I am really enjoying learning and keeping busy”.

He is also appreciative of the support and guidance his mentor Paul is providing.

A 2017 study has revealed that just 6% of adults with a learning disability who are able to work are currently in employment. BILTT schools include St. John’s Special School and Grange Academy whose pupils all have additional needs.

BILTT HR Manager Bernice Russell commented: “James is an amazing young man who has grown in confidence over the time he’s been with us. I would urge any employers who are reticent about employing someone with learning difficulties to give it a go.

“At BILTT, our Vision and Values Statement promotes dynamic partnerships which celebrates the success and positive outcomes, recognising strengths and qualities in all.

“James provides a positive role model for our pupils at all the Trust’s schools as he works around our sites, and demonstrates that with the right support, people with learning disability can achieve long term, useful employment, with progression opportunities, enabling them to become more independent and live fulfilling and happy lives.”

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