New Chair for Central Bedfordshire Council


At its Full Council meeting on Thursday, January 12, 2023, Councillor Caroline Maudlin was elected as the new Chair of the Council. Councillor Neil Bunyan was elected as Vice-Chair.

Councillor Maudlin takes over the role from Councillor Gordon Perham, who resigned as the Chairman of the Council due to health reasons.

Councillor Maudlin brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role, having previously been Chair of the Council from May 2013 to April 2015. She has also represented Sandy as a ward councillor since May 2011.

As Chair, Councillor Maudlin will act as an ambassador for the Council, representing the Council on civic visits, at ceremonial events, as well as continuing to raise funds and awareness for Cllr Perham’s chosen charities, Kidsout and Leighton Linslade Cancer Support Group.

KidsOut provides disadvantaged children with exciting memories to cherish helping them remember what it is like to just be children.

Leighton Linslade Cancer Support Group offers a safe, comfortable environment where everyone understands the disease and our aim is to support and help you through difficult times.

Speaking after her appointment to the role, Councillor Caroline Maudlin said: “I am saddened by Cllr Perham stepping down and wish him all the best in his recovery.

“I am honoured to step up to this position and am looking forward to the challenges it brings, as well as enjoying getting out and about in Central Bedfordshire and championing diversity.”

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