Home News Bedford Questions about numbers of ‘bed blockers’ go unanswered

Questions about numbers of ‘bed blockers’ go unanswered


There is sometimes ‘a bit of a wait’ to safely discharge medically fit people who need additional support from Bedford Hospital – despite there being enough capacity in the borough.

Committee chair, Councillor Roger Rigby (Conservative, Bromham & Biddenham) wanted an update on the “bed-blocking” situation at Bedford Hospital.

“Do we know how many patients cannot be discharged due to lack of suitable accommodation or a support package,” he asked at the Adult Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Tuesday, January 17, 2023).

The council’s director of adults’ services, Kate Walker, said she had received an update that afternoon.

“[There are] regular communications between Adult Services and our assistant partners across the health and social care sector,” she said.

“Whilst we are aware that there are people that are medically fit to be discharged from the hospital, but may not have a quick destination to go to, we have people that are ready to be discharged that have had an assessment, they have a support plan being prepared and plans for their discharge are being made.

“We’re pretty lucky that we do have capacity in the community.

“That’s not to say that it’s instantly there, there are challenges and sometimes there is a bit of a wait.

“But what we hear nationally isn’t the position for adults’ services in Bedford.

“But to caveat that, it doesn’t mean to say that there aren’t people staying too long in the hospital,” she added.

“There are many people who are medically fit for discharge, but wouldn’t be referred to Adult Social Care so aren’t really in our pathways.

“This is an ongoing situation and the pressures peak and plateau, but the reassurance is that we are part of the system’s escalation calls that take place with our NHS Partners, community health partners, the voluntary sector, and everybody.

“And everyone is working to discharge people safely in a timely manner as soon as we’re able to,” she said.

Councillor Wendy Rider (LibDems, Brickhill) congratulated the teams for their “excellent work” preparing care plans for all those who are ready for discharge.

“Do we know if we’ve got residential care homes who have got empty beds because they can’t take more because of the staffing situation,” she asked.

Ms Walker said: “We do have some care homes that are carrying vacancies in staff, and will have reduced the number of beds available because they want to provide safe services.

“There are some, but not on a large scale.

“It isn’t just the number of beds that may be vacant in an area, or even if there are staff available,” she added.

“It’s about the suitability of a care home and what the care home is registered to provide.

“[Ensuring they] meet the needs of people who are due to be discharged if they aren’t social care referrals.

“So the safety of discharge also comes into that, but yes there will be some homes that will have reduced their offer because they must ensure they have the capacity in their staffing to provide services,” she said.

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