Home News Bedford Fight outside Dunstable pub results in man’s death

Fight outside Dunstable pub results in man’s death


A Dunstable Town supporter was killed by a pub doorman who had struck him with a left hook to the face, a jury heard on Monday, January 23, 2023.

Aaron Bateman, 28, fell to the ground and hit his head on the pavement outside the Wheatsheaf Pub in High Street North.

He was rushed to the Luton and Dunstable hospital, where he died two days later.

Wilfred Fantie, 44, previously of Henley Road in Bedford and now of Somerset House, Leafield, Luton, denies manslaughter. He claims he was acting in self-defence and had been racially abused, spat at and punched.

Prosecutor Charles Ward-Jackson told Luton crown court that Aaron suffered diabetes and cystic fibrosis and needed regular meals and medication.

On Saturday February 12, 2022, Aaron and his father Ian went to watch Dunstable Town’s home game against Ardley United.

They had met up with friends at the Gary Cooper pub, where Aaron had something to eat and a glass of cider. The group went on to the Globe pub before watching the match.

After the game they went back to the Globe before arriving shortly before 9pm at the Wheatsheaf, where a live tribute band called The Lash was playing, said Mr Ward-Jackson.

Ian Bateman and a friend were dancing with their tops off and were asked to leave. At the door there was pushing and shoving between Mr Fantie , who is known as David or Dave, and Mr Bateman senior, who ended up slightly injured on the ground.

A scuffle broke out in the lobby area between the two Batemans, the defendant and a woman bar worker.

The prosecutor said Aaron walked away from the pub and onto the public pavement, having apparently decided to leave. “He was no longer the business of Mr Fanti, but Mr Fantie briskly went after him. Young Mr Bateman turned round and gestured at the defendant who was facing him.

“The defendant’s right hand was on Aaron’s left shoulder. His left hand was pulled right back as far as it goes and he delivered a left hook to Aaron’s face. He then delivered a punch with his right hand.

“The power of the blow was such that he fell to the ground without being able to break his fall. He fell straight to the ground and hit his head on the pavement. Some witnesses heard the crack of his head on the pavement,” said the prosecutor.

Aaron Bateman was taken to accident and emergency at the Luton and Dunstable hospital, bleeding from his left ear.

He was placed in intensive care where he died two days later from a traumatic brain injury. The doorman was arrested.

He said the Batemans had caused trouble on earlier occasions. Two weeks earlier he said he had been racially abused.

On that night he said Aaron had punched him the face and had spat at him. He said the father had used racial language. He told the officers the son had come at him and he had punched him in self-defence.

Case proceeding