Tories claim inflation has peaked and Mayor’s budget is stinging residents


Calls for Council Tax freeze rejected, as Mayor accused of overestimating inflationary costs  

At Bedford Borough’s Full Council meeting on February 1, 2023, Conservative Councillors proposed an alternative budget, which would have frozen Core Council Tax and saved residents from the Mayor’s 0.9% increase.

In a lengthy debate, Bedford’s Mayor was accused of over-estimating the extent of inflationary pressures, for which he has included £17m in his budget, hitting already hard-pressed residents with an unnecessary tax hike.

Citing evidence that inflation has already peaked and that the Bank of England, OBR, OECD and other economic forecasters are predicting inflation as low as 2.5% by the end of the financial year, the Conservatives proposed reducing the tax take by just under £1m, to freeze current Council tax rates.

Conservatives also highlighted that Bedford’s Mayor was taking more cash from residents for anticipated inflationary pressures than other Councils around the country.

Despite the harsh economic climate and calls to freeze Core Council Tax the Mayor and Liberal Democrats ignored the evidence presented to them and voted through a budget that will increase Council Tax by 2.9%, with the average Band D Council Tax rising to £1,737.92.

The increase comes on top of the 3.99% increase in Council Tax last year – the sixth highest increase of all unitary authorities in England.

Given the current economic climate, Conservative Councillors argued that it is wrong to add yet more financial pressure on households when many are already struggling with the rising costs of fuel, food and energy.

Conservative Group Leader and Councillor Graeme Coombes expressed his concern that the mayor was taking more money of residents than he needed to: “It is utterly appalling that Bedford’s Mayor has yet again ignored calls to freeze Council Tax, particularly when Bedford Borough residents are already feeling squeezed from the increased cost of living. Is he so out of touch?

“Does he not realise how much people are already hurting?

“Bedford’s Mayor should follow the example set by our neighbours in Central Bedfordshire Council who, through sound financial management and efficiencies, haven’t increased Council Tax this year, whilst still maintaining services.

“The Mayor and his Liberal Democrat colleagues need to stop treating residents as cash cows, stinging them for maximum revenue, whilst still failing to provide decent public services.”

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