Home News Luton Travel agent distributed images of sick child sex abuse

Travel agent distributed images of sick child sex abuse


A Luton travel agent who distributed sick child sex abuse images on Facebook and WhatsApp was on Thursday, February 23, 2023, jailed for 26 months.

Shaheed Miah, 50, was arrested three years ago, having been looking at the images for over a year.


Miah, of Warwick Road West, appeared at Luton Crown Court having pleaded guilty to downloading and distributing images – some at the most serious category and possessing extreme pornography.

Defending, John Livingston said: “The offending is serious, shameful and disgusting. He is thoroughly ashamed.

“He had an interest in Bangladeshi politics at the time and is a much respected member of the community.”

Judge Steven Evans told him: “If there were not men like you getting sexually pleasure from children being raped and sexually assaulted there would be no images.

“I am satisfied you have an entrenched sexual interest in young children.”

Miah must register as a sex offender for 10 years and abide by the terms of a sexual harm prevention order for five years.

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