County line drugs gang operated from De Parys Avenue flat


A member of a Bedford County Lines drug gang was jailed for eight years and eight months on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

Shamadul Islam, 22, of Ampthill Road, Bedford was one of six men operating The Ginge Line selling cocaine and heroin from a cuckooed flat in De Parys Avenue.

They were arrested in February 2020 when the police were tipped off that two of the flat’s vulnerable occupants were being held captive because cocaine had gone missing, Luton Crown Court heard.

Shamadul Islam, 22, of Ampthill Road, Bedford had pleaded guilty to two charges of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.

He was found guilty of criminal damage, two assaults, blackmail, possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence and two charges of false imprisonment.

He was sentenced by Judge Steven Evans at Luton Crown Court.