Councillor Carl Meader takes over leadership of Bedford Borough Labour Group


After serving nearly 14 years as Deputy Leader, popular Kempston South Councillor and former Mayor of Kempston Carl Meader has taken on the leadership of the Labour Councillors at Bedford Borough Council.

Former Group Leader Sue Oliver advised the Labour Group a year ago that she intended to stand down from the position at the 2023 elections. She has stepped back to the role of Deputy Group Leader.

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Councillor Carl Meader said: “I couldn’t have had a better role model as Group Leader, following Sue Oliver is a lot to live up to. She has been an exemplary Group Leader, and has led a united, disciplined and effective Labour Group. I hope to do the same, and know I will appreciate her advice as Deputy Leader over the coming months.”

“We have a larger group with five new councillors who will bring fresh ideas and energy to the Group, and nine re-elected councillors with the knowledge of how to tackle the demanding role of the elected representative and experience of serving on council committees.

Labour Councillors are all acutely aware this is a difficult time for many residents throughout the Borough and we will strive to make sure the decisions the council makes have their best interests at heart. We’ll hold the Tory administration to account, ask questions and demand answers. We want the Council to work productively, and Labour Councillors will work hard for residents throughout the Borough.”