Home News Former PC would have been dismissed for altering driving licence

Former PC would have been dismissed for altering driving licence


A former police officer who altered his driving licence to carry out additional work as an Uber driver would have been dismissed for his actions a hearing has ruled.

Former PC Naseeb Khan made changes to the document in September 2021. He subsequently admitted the activity and received a community resolution.

Mr Khan, who resigned before the Accelerated Case Hearing chaired by Chief Constable Trevor Rodenhurst on Friday, June 9, 2023, was found to have breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour for Honesty and Integrity and Discreditable Conduct. Mr Rodenhurst found the breaches to amount to gross misconduct, however a further breach of Orders and Instructions was not upheld.

Mr Khan would have faced instant dismissal and will be placed on the College of Policing barred list which bans him from returning to policing or other similar professions.

Mr Rodenhurst said: “The single most important value and standard I require my officers to maintain to ensure public confidence and trust in Bedfordshire Police is honesty and integrity. The actions of this officer involved research and were clearly dishonest and criminal in nature, as accepted by him.

“Whilst I have some sympathy for his personal circumstances this in no way mitigates his actions which fall far below the standard I expect.”