Home News Nine new detectives ready to solve crime in Bedfordshire

Nine new detectives ready to solve crime in Bedfordshire


Nine new trainee detective constables have landed in Bedfordshire Police force.  

They were among 240 trainees joining forces across the country who were welcomed into policing by Bedfordshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Sharn Basra, in what was his last ever policing appearance before officially retiring.

He told the graduates of the Police Now programme: “I look over the room, as I come to the end of my career, and I see the future of policing. You will change policing and you will improve policing for the better.

“I have no doubt that during your academy training you have worked hard, you have been professional and you have had fun. Continue to do this throughout the next stages of your training and the rest of your policing careers.

“Policing is tough, you will have some bad days, you will see things that other people won’t see and you will experience things that other people shouldn’t have to experience. But you will change people’s lives and you will save people’s lives. The good days will always overtake the bad, as you support those that need you the most and secure justice for victims.”

The trainee detectives have developed the core policing skills and knowledge required for complex investigative work, in a mix of practical and classroom-based sessions.

They have also completed field training shifts in their force Response teams and within Criminal Investigation Departments and have sat the challenging National Investigators’ Exam (NIE).

They will now continue Police Now’s two-year training and development programme in force, where they will play an integral part in solving cases and supporting victims of crime across Bedfordshire.

Trainee Detective Constable Ben Davies, who joined Bedfordshire Police via the programme, said: “Academy was a fantastic environment to learn in and presented an opportunity to grow and develop alongside not only my force peers but also peers across forces nationally.

“Undertaking the NIE while at academy, while daunting, was important for giving me the confidence to succeed when landing in force, especially considering I managed to pass!

“The protected learning time at the academy helped me to focus on the NIE while also preparing for other assessments. Overall, I feel ready for the challenges ahead of me and am grateful for the experience.”

Police Now typically attracts those who had not previously considered a career in policing and seeks to empower officers to challenge cultures, build public confidence in policing and support the communities that need them the most.

There are many routes into policing, via Police Now or through Bedfordshire Police directly. Whether you aspire to be a detective, police officer or a police staff
member, there are plenty of ways to join and make a difference to Bedfordshire.
Visit https://www.beds.police.uk/police-forces/bedfordshire-police/areas/careers/careers/